Online learning – what we have learned?
May 26 2021 | 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm AEST
Professor Michael Sankey
Director, Learning Futures and Lead Education Architect, Charles Darwin University
Associate Professor Chie Adachi
Director of Digital Learning, Deakin University
Professor Phill Dawson
Professor & Associate Director, Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE) at Deakin University
Dr Cathy Stone
Conjoint Associate Professor, The University of Newcastle
Professor Shirley Alexander
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Education and Students), University of Technology Sydney
Session Topics
- Many students were disrupted over 2020 and will continue to be disrupted over 2021 for a second year. How do we ‘move on’ in education when everything has shifted?
- What is our honest assessment of our Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) effort over 2020? Did it deliver quality online learning and a supported student experience? What were the best features? Where did we (and our students) struggle?
- How do we leverage technology to make the feedback process more efficient and personalised for students and academics alike?
Relevant Resources
- ACODE White Papers
- Dawson, Strategies for Using Online Invigilated Exams (TEQSA)
- Stone, Opportunity Through Online Learning
- TEQSA report on how students perceived the online delivery over 2020
- Ensuring academic integrity and assessment security with redesigned online delivery
- Defending Assessment Security in a Digital World
- NCSEHE, COVID-19 — Resources for the higher education sector
- Stone, NCSEHE 2016 Equity Fellowship Final Report
- NCSEHE/ADCET webinar: Three Essentials in moving online
- Stone & Springer (2019), Interactivity, connectedness and ‘teacher-presence’: Engaging and retaining students online
- Stone (2019), Lets get real about who our students are now
- Equal or Equitable? The Role of Flexibility Within Online Education
- Stone & O'Shea (2019), Older, online and first: Recommendations for retention and success
- Transforming Digital Learning: Learning design meets service design
- Focus on COVID-19 and online learning in VET